Upgraded system installed on August 20, 2020
Motorola XPR8300 repeater, ARCOM 210 controller, Anglelinear receiver pre-amp and filter, Motorola XPR5550e and XPR4550 link radios, Motorola T1500A duplexer
Placed into service October 15, 2018
Motorola XPR8300 repeater, ARCOM 210 controller, Anglelinear receiver pre-amp and filter, Kenwood TM-V71 for remote base, Motorola T1500A duplexer
Placed into service January 30, 2016 and now retired
Kenwood TKR-850 (E) Repeater
ARCOM RC210 Controller
Replaced the older Kenwood radio to a new Kenwood TM-V71A for remote base mode to support the Los Angeles County Disaster Communications Service
The Original System
Placed Into Service on May 30, 2008
Angel Linear 445 MHz receiver pre-amp K6RH Antenna
ARCOM RC210 Controller
Uniden ARU-251 445 MHz repeater
Angle Linear receiver preamp and filter
Motorola T1476 Duplexer
Motorola 90 watt power amplifier
The 1282.175 MHz MHz repeater transmitter is an ICOM IC1200A running at 10 watts output
The 1270.175 MHz repeater receiver is an ICOM IC 1201A
A remote base Kenwood TM-G707A was added to support the Los Angeles County Disaster Communications Service.